Macia Construction
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Headstone Maintenance
Headstone maintenance to include the initial installation of headstones, the raising
and realigning of existing headstones, the installation of flat markers, the bump and runs
of existing headstones, and the power washing of almost 400,000 headstones annually.

Click on the image to the right to see a slide show of the project.

Landscaping to include the watering of plants to promote healthy growth, the
mowing and edging, policing, fertilizing, liming, trimming, pruning, raking,
weeding, thatching, reseeding, and the planting of all plants, trees and shrubs,
etc. Macia Construction also performs the herbicide management, aeration,
and pest control maintenance of the landscape.

Click on the image to the right to see a slide show of the project.

Fixed Flooding
Fixed flooding by installing curb, gutter, and concrete slab around Building 390.
Also completed by adding soil, seeding, and stabilizing the filled area and filled
in the low section with asphalt.

Click on the image to the right to see a slide show of the project.

Sidewalk Repair
Sidewalk Repair and Cleaning (Permeable Pavement) to include vacuuming and
power washing the permeable pavement and spraying with the urethane seal coat.
This included the removal and replacement of bad permeable pavement and coating
to match its original color. Bad gravel, filter fabric, and geogrid were also
removed and replaced to grind the concrete and caulk the sidewalk with black
caulking, which was to be done after hours.

Click on the image to the right to see a slide show of the project.

MACIA CONSTRUCTION  +  P.O. Box 268, Accokeek, MD 20607  +  p: 301.283.0633  +  f: 703.935.1066  +